This html version of Live Ink® is a very limited illustration of the full reading power you will experience with a Live Ink eBook on CD-ROM. The Live Ink® eBook on CD-ROM includes: On-the-fly font enlargement, 2-column option, choice of 3 background color schemes, choice of mono-chrome or multi-colored text, search, bookmark, multi-tiered table of contents and index. To return to the book list page use the "Back" button.

    Once there was a gentleman
         who married
               for his second wife
                   the proudest
                 and most haughty woman
             that was ever seen.

    She had by a former
          husband two daughters
               of her own humor,
           who were,
           exactly like her
               in all things.

    He had likewise,
           by another wife,
         a young daughter,
           but of unparalleled goodness
               and sweetness of temper,
         which she
            took from her mother,
           who was the best creature
               in the world.

    No sooner
        were the ceremonies
               of the wedding over
         but the mother-in-law
            began to show herself
                   in her true colors.

    She could not
          bear the good qualities
               of this pretty girl,
           and the less
             because they made
                   her own daughters
                  appear the more odious.

    She employed her
           in meanest work
               of the house:
        she scoured the dishes,
           and scrubbed madam's chamber
               and those of misses,
         her daughters;
        she lay
               up in a sorry garret,
           upon a wretched straw bed,
         while her sisters lay
               in fine rooms,
           with floors all inlaid,
          upon beds
               of the very newest fashion,
           and where
             they had looking-glasses so large
               that they
                might see themselves
                       at their full length
                     from head to foot.

    The poor girl
          bore all patiently and
              dared not
          tell her father,
           who would have rattled
               her off;
        for his wife
              governed him entirely.

    When she
        had done her work
         she used
              to go into the chimney-corner
                  and sit
                       down among cinders and ashes,
           which made her commonly
              be called a cinder maid;
        but the youngest,
           who was not so rude
               and uncivil
             as the eldest,
         called her Cinderella.

         notwithstanding her mean apparel,
           was a hundred times handsomer
               than her sisters,
         though they
            were always dressed very richly.

    It happened
         that the King's son
            gave a ball and
                  invited all persons,
           of fashion to it.

    Our young misses
        were also invited,
           for they cut
               a very grand figure
                   among the quality.

    They were mightily
          delighted at this invitation,
           and wonderfully busy in choosing
               out such gowns,
           and head-clothes as
            might become them.

    This was a new trouble
           to Cinderella,
         for it was she
             who ironed her sisters' linen
                   and plaited their ruffles.

    They talked
           all day long
               of nothing but
         how they should be dressed.

    "For my part,"
          said the eldest,
               "I will
                  wear my red velvet suit
                       with French trimming."

    "And I,"
          said the youngest,
               "shall have my usual petticoat;
            but then,
               to make amends for that,
             I will
                  put on my gold-flowered manteau
                       and my diamond stomacher,
               which is far from
                being the most ordinary one
                       in the world."

    They sent
           for the best tire-woman
         they could get
              to make up their headdresses
            and adjust their double pinners,
           and they
            had their red brushes
                   and patches
                 from Mademoiselle de la Poche.

    Cinderella was likewise
          called up to them
        to be
              consulted in all these matters,
           for she
            had excellent notions and
                  advised them
                      always for the best,
           and offered her services
              to dress their heads,
         which they were very willing
             she should do.

    As she was doing this
         they said to her:

           would you not
              be glad
                  to go to the ball?"


    said she,
         "you only jeer me.

    It is not for
         such as
             I am to go thither."

    "Thou art
           in the right of it,"
          replied they.

    "It would
          make the people laugh
        to see a cinder wench

This html version of Live Ink® is a very limited illustration of the full reading power you will experience with a Live Ink eBook on CD-ROM. The Live Ink® eBook on CD-ROM includes: On-the-fly font enlargement, 2-column option, choice of 3 background color schemes, choice of mono-chrome or multi-colored text, search, bookmark, multi-tiered table of contents and index. To return to the book list page use the "Back" button.
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