This html version of Live Ink® is a very limited illustration of the full reading power you will experience with a Live Ink eBook on CD-ROM. The Live Ink® eBook on CD-ROM includes: On-the-fly font enlargement, 2-column option, choice of 3 background color schemes, choice of mono-chrome or multi-colored text, search, bookmark, multi-tiered table of contents and index. To return to the book list page use the "Back" button.
  Anderson Fairy Tales (Group
  by Hans Christian Andersen

        away towards the east,
           in India,
         which seemed
               in those days
                   the world's end,
           stood the Tree
               of the Sun;
        a noble tree,
           such as
             we have never seen,
         and perhaps never may see.
    The summit of this tree
          spread itself for miles
              like an entire forest,
           each of its smaller branches
               forming a complete tree.

         and various other kinds,
           which are
              found in
                   all parts of the world,
         were here like small branches,
           shooting forth
               from the great tree;
        while the larger boughs,
           with their knots and curves,
         formed valleys and hills,
           clothed with velvety green and
              covered with flowers.

    Everywhere it was
         like a blooming meadow
              or a lovely garden.

    Here were birds
           from all quarters
               of the world
          assembled together;
        birds from the primeval forests
               of America,
           from the rose
               gardens of Damascus,
         and from the deserts
               of Africa,
           in which the elephant
               and the lion
            may boast of
                being the only rulers.

    Birds from
           the Polar regions came
         flying here,
           and of course the stork
               and the swallow
            were not absent.

    But the birds
        were not the only
              living creatures.

    There were stags,
           and hundreds of other beautiful
               and light-footed animals here
              found a home.

    The summit of the tree
        was a wide-spreading garden,
           and in the midst
               of it,
         where the green boughs
              formed a kind of hill,
           stood a castle of crystal,
         with a view from it
               towards every quarter of heaven.

    Each tower
        was erected
               in the form
                   of a lily,
           and within the stern
            was a winding staircase,
         through which one
            could ascend
                   to the top and
                  step out upon the leaves
                       as upon balconies.

    The calyx
           of the flower itself
          formed a most beautiful,
         circular hall,
           above which no other roof
            arose than the blue firmament
                   and the sun and stars.

    Just as much splendor,
           but of another kind,
         appeared below,
           in the wide halls
               of the castle.

           on the walls,
         were reflected pictures
               of the world,
           which represented numerous and
              varied scenes of everything
             that took place daily,
         so that it
            was useless
                  to read the newspapers,
           and indeed
            there were none
                  to be
                      obtained in this spot.

    All was
          to be
              seen in living
                   pictures by those
         who wished it,
           but all
            would have been
                   too much for
             even the wisest man,
         and this man dwelt here.

    His name is very difficult;
        you would not
              be able to pronounce it,
           so it may be omitted.

    He knew everything
         that a man on earth
            can know or imagine.

    Every invention already in existence
          or yet to be,
           was known to him,
         and much more;
        still everything on earth
            has a limit.

    The wise king Solomon
        was not half so wise
               as this man.

    He could govern the powers
           of nature
         and held
           sway over potent spirits;
        even Death itself
            was obliged
                  to give him
                       every morning a list
                           of those
             who were
                  to die during the day.

    And King Solomon himself
        had to die at last,
           and this fact it was
              which so often
                  occupied the thoughts
                       of this great man
                     in the castle
                       on the Tree
                           of the Sun.

    He knew that he also,
           however high
             he might
                  tower above other men
                       in wisdom,
         must one day die.

    He knew
         that his children
            would fade away
                  like the leaves
                       of the forest
                  and become dust.

    He saw the human race
          wither and fall
               like leaves from the tree;

This html version of Live Ink® is a very limited illustration of the full reading power you will experience with a Live Ink eBook on CD-ROM. The Live Ink® eBook on CD-ROM includes: On-the-fly font enlargement, 2-column option, choice of 3 background color schemes, choice of mono-chrome or multi-colored text, search, bookmark, multi-tiered table of contents and index. To return to the book list page use the "Back" button.
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